Spam belongs in a can not your twitter feed.

Don’t Spam your twitter followers with slosh!


Nothing bothers a twitter reader more than 50 tweets all day long about how great a product is or about how great you and your services are.

Have you ever been a victim of twitter spam? It’s no fun. And twitter is a place to have fun, engage, learn and share. But share the right way.

Here are 3 ways to share appropriately on twitter.

  1. Post tweets that are pertinent to what you list in your bio.  Your followers get a big sense of who you are,  and what you will tweet about from those 160 characters listed. (Yes its true your bio gets 160 characters even if you can only tweet 140.
  2. Share throughout the day. Not 12 tweets at once just for the sake of having something on your twitter feed.
  3. Engage in retweets from people in your twitter feed. Reading other tweets and retweeting engaging in conversation is a great way to build your community.


Thanks for stopping by to read about great ways to share on twitter. And if you are looking for some engaging tweets come on by my twitter feed @suzettemariel and send me a hello. I tweet about social media, small business, freelancer information, leadership, philanthropy and the creative industry.


photocredit:http: Spam by Vince Lamb

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