Monday Motivation- Are you wishing?


Stop wishing! Go out there and take action!

Stop wishing.

Start doing.

Have you ever noticed in a conversation a friend says they wish they could do something? And then you catch yourself saying you wish you could do one of your long overdue goals too? It’s a no win conversation that keeps going on and on. Forever.

Get off that crazy conversation roller coaster and “Push the Go Button” inside your self. Jim Rohn an amazing inspirational speaker reminds us that if you are waiting for someone to show up and turn you on, what happens if they don’t show up? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Take some action and get started.

Even if you only take one tiny step in the direction of your goal you are one step closer to getting there. So get out there in the real world and find the book or person that can help you do what you have been wanting to do. Today will go by quickly and you can’t get it back. Start now. Start doing.

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Monday Motivation

Go MotivationID-100144417


Today you are one day closer to you goal

IF you are working towards it.

Do you have a plan for where you are going?

Do you have a plan for what you want to do?

Take 5 minutes today and think about what your plans are. If you aren’t deciding what you want in life other people will decide for you. This lack of planning will cause  you not  to be in control of your life. Go out and change the way you approach life. It’s your life. You get to decide.

Be different. Take charge and start today. I know you have what it takes. We are all given a talent. See what you can do with that talent and GO share it with the world.




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Scan what I’m tweeting about @suzettemariel

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Read my posts on Facebook



Photocredit:  Stuart Miles – Freedigitalphotos,net


Get motivated today

Motivate yourself with consistency

It’s Monday and I am in need of motivation. It’s part of the reason why I write this blog on Mondays.

It gets me going in the right direction. When I start off my week on the right path I have a good tendency to stay on it. One of the greatest motivating factors in life is consistency.

Have you ever noticed that when you keep doing something and you have good rhythm and flow you tend to stick with it? Take exercise for instance, the more you do it, the better you feel, the healthier you become and your clothes fit better too. It’s consistency that gets you motivated to keep seeing those results. Once you get consistent, you start to push your limits and set new goals for yourself, which then turns into another level of achievement to use to keep your motivation.

It’s the same thing with those of us in business for ourselves. We get up, review the deadlines for the day, check the email, find out the new events in our industry, contact clients and maybe do a little social media to keep our names out in the atmosphere. Consistently creating good habits is a practice that breeds success.


ACTION POINT: Grab a calendar, your favorite colored pen and circle the date every time you do something in your business and create your visual consistency list.


Keep checking back during the week for more motivating tips and business advice for solo entrepreneurs and freelancers to get you on your path to success.

Tweet me @suzettemariel your motivating success story. And if you are in need of some extra motivation let me know and I will be happy to send some positive motivating vibes your way.



Photo credit http: magnifiying glass



Part two – Kill off procrastination

Make a list.

Welcome back to kill off procrastination! It’s part two of how to get moving forward, get things done and stop procrastinating.

Here  is a quick recap of Part one, I talked about if you procrastinate, then you need to do one small thing to get you going, because motivation follows action and kills procrastination. (Read the post of Part One here.)

To get you even further down the road to ending procrastination is making a schedule. Creating a schedule eliminates the “What’s Next Syndrome”,  which happens after you have put forth the effort and completed the one thing that you have been putting off for ages.

So first things first, write down all of the steps big or small and just create a list. You don’t have to get super detail oriented at this point. Just create the list. That is your job for day two.

I’m going to stop here and let you catch up on what it is you need to do. So go and make the list. Are you making your list yet?

If you are writing a book maybe you need to get research. Make a list of topics for the book that you need to get it going. If you are trying to save money, make a list of all the things you can do with out or cut back on. If you are looking for publicity for your product, make a list of all the places that you want to be seen. Get the idea?

Here is my action point for killing off procrastination. Yes I sometimes procrastinate. It was a learned behavior from my childhood. What can I say? But it’s one that I struggle with because there are so many things in life that I enjoy experiencing that I get side tracked. Like crafting, and reading, creating styles for new photo shoots, writing stories for my comic ,and well, you get the idea. I like to do stuff, not just sit around. But as a result I procrastinate because I think just 5 more minutes on this project, which then turns into 50 minutes and BAM! I run out of time and put off doing what I should have been doing in the first place.

So making the list is crucial. Because if you have broken the tasks into small pieces you can focus on the one item to finish and still get moving forward AND be able to do all the fun things that might get you sidetracked.

So on my list of things to do is reorganize the chapters for my book. A big task, but I’m breaking it down into smaller bite size portions so I can handle it. It’s not easy running multiple companies.  I break things down into small projects, so I don’t feel overwhelmed.

Completing a task, whether big or small, makes you feel good.  And when you feel good you become motivated to keep going with the end goal in mind.

So keep up the good work, and come back tomorrow for part 3 of Kill procrastination. Tweet me your progress @suzettemariel , I would love to hear from you.

Keep life fabulous, authentic and live in style. 


Photocredit: Making a list by Stuart Miles




Dream Big or Don’t Dream at all, it’s a waste of sleep.

Only as high as I reach can I grow,

only as far as I seek can I go,

only as deep as I look can I see,

Only as much as I dream can I be.

-Karen Ravn

I believe you should DREAM BIG OR DON’T DREAM AT ALL, it’s a waste of sleep. There is no reason to settle for where you are, reach higher than where you would normally set for yourself as a goal. I’m sure some people would find this offensive, as if where you are is ok, comfortable, enjoyable. And that may be true for some people.  But for those of us in business, especially in business for our selves it is imperative that you always learn, grow and implement what you have learned. This quote by Karen Ravn helps us be the best at what we choose to be. Keep taking steps however small to move you forward toward your best life where you are always learning and growing.

And if you want help with releasing your greatness to the world, ask me how I can help you achieve those goals. Visit and move forward.

Photocredit: by the path traveler

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